TLC #008: Control Your Chaos: The Compass for Claiming Your Course

Greetings, Everyone on the Journey,

It's a whirlwind out there, isn't it? Jobs, relationships, societal expectations—all demanding your attention and energy. It's like being stuck in a maze without a compass, aimlessly wandering through choices and chances, hoping to stumble onto the right path.

But here's the kicker: You've got the compass. You've always had it. It's not a thing you can touch but a state you can achieve—Focusing on What You Can Control. Your mind is the needle, your actions the dial, and your purpose the true North.

Let’s connect the DOTS: Decide, Own, and Transform.

1. Decide Your Destination

Before you can control anything, you've got to know where you're going. What are your life's goals? Whether it's becoming a business owner, a loving father, or simply a man who stands for something greater, these goals become your compass’ true North.

Action Tip: Write down three goals you want to achieve in the next year. Place this list somewhere you'll see daily, like your bathroom mirror or phone wallpaper. Let it remind you of your direction every day.

Remember this: life will happen regardless of how you feel about it. The question is, will you let life happen to you, or will you decide your destination and then make life work for you?

2. Own Your Orbit

Your environment—physically and mentally—is your orbit, and you are its core. Yes, there are external factors you can't control: job layoffs, breakups, societal judgments. But within your orbit, you have the power. How you react, how you adapt, and how you move forward—that's on you.

Action Tip: Identify one thing within your control that you can improve this week—maybe it’s learning a new skill or cutting out a bad habit. Commit to making that change and track your progress.

You are the CEO of You, Inc. When you own your orbit, you’re investing in yourself. That means improving skills, nurturing healthy relationships, and looking after your mental and physical health. In a world that seems hell-bent on pulling you apart, ownership is your secret weapon to pull yourself together.

3. Transform Through Tenacity

They say Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they never tell you the real gem: Rome endured because of daily decisions. Your transformation isn't about one grand moment; it's a series of deliberate choices you make every day. Show up, give your best, and don’t relent. You have the power to become your best self, and it starts with the small, controlled actions you take daily.

Action Tip: At the end of each day, take five minutes to jot down what you did towards your transformation. Acknowledge your wins, no matter how small, and plan for the next step.

The Final Compass Point: Your Next Step

Listen, we're on this journey together. There's no magic pill that solves everything, but there is a magic process—Decide Your Destination, Own Your Orbit, Transform Through Tenacity. These aren't just words; they're the tools to navigate the maze of life.

So, let's forge ahead. Reach out to your brother next to you; reach inside to the power you've got. Turn that compass dial to your true North and let's start walking.

Until next week, keep the needle steady, and let’s continue to navigate life’s journey—compass in hand, North star in sight.

Here to help you navigate life,

Devin Gough
Your Visionary Mentor

P.S. Your growth matters. Partner with us to experience life change.


TLC #009: Embracing Change: Navigating Transitions and Adapting to New Circumstances


TLC #007: Decisive Directions: Mastering Moments that Matter